Activities, ideas, opinions, thoughts, music... JoyBcn is a BLOG with small ideas TO ENJOY EVERY DAY.

Actividades, opiniones, propuestas, música... JoyBcn es un BLOG cargado de pequeñas ideas para DISFRUTAR CADA DÍA.

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

La piel que habito, de Pedro Almodovar

The Skin I live. At the end of the movie, my friend said: "I ​​do not know if I like it or not, I’m still thinking about it…”. I liked it. Perhaps it is just too far-fetched to be true.  But there is something true;  Almodovar´s essence is in the movie, from the beginning to the end. A drama dress up of comedy that makes you leave the theater with a smile. Do not let anyone tell you about it, it loses its charm. Go, watch it, and tell me what's up?

La piel que habito. Al salir del cine, mi acompañante dijo: “no sé si me gusta o no, aún la estoy asimilando…”. A mí me gustó. Una historia rocambolesca con sello Almodovar de principio a fin. Un drama disfrazado con pinceladas de comedia que te hacen salir del cine con una sonrisa. No dejes que te la cuenten, pierde su encanto. Ves, y cuéntame qué tal.

domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011

Federal, cafe/bistro/lunch spot restaurant.

Federal is a café, a cozy and informal cafe/bistro/lunch spot restaurant, located within walking distance from Raval, original version movies at Renoir Floridablanca or the market. A fantastic place to have a morning read over coffee and the lovely “breakfast” or “brunch” menu, perfect to relax in the afternoon and friendly for dinner. Federal’s secret lies right at the top, where a rooftop terrace awaits to be filled with fun and laughter. A tiny Australian oasis in Barcelona.

Federal, cafe/bistro/lunch spot restaurant.


Tuesday – Thursday: 8am – 10pm

Friday, Saturday: 8am – 1am

Sunday: 9am – 5.30pm